Anyamaru tantei kiruminzuu is magical anime series, which means Animal Detective Kuruminzoo. It is a story of twin sisters, Riko and Rimu Mikogami, who found a Kirumin compact in an Attic while chasing for a run-away cat.

The Kirumin Compact enables them to transform to real animal. Later their older sister Nagisa Mikogami also joins. The adventures begin while solving a lot of mysteries they encounter.

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This coming 23th and 24th of January 2010 from 10:00AM to 9:00PM, at the SM Megamall, Megatrade Hall B, will be held the Otaku Expo Anime and Cosplay EVENT 2010.

Otaku zine cosplay
~ Group Cosplay
~Speed Drawing
~Individual Cosplay
~On the spot Art Contests
~Anime Karaoke
~Swapping Corner
~Anime Auction
~Battle of the Bands

reference: http://www.otakuzine-mag.com/
