As the adaptation of the cult shooter, this series contains all the essential elements of the computer game's relevant genre in the first part - the background in the style of gangster sagas, the second part - shooting monsters whose strength increases from level to level. However, despite the straight story, the story benefits from well selected atmosphere, vivid characters and lovely disclosure themes of friendship, loyalty and betrayal. The 26-episode anime is an alternate retelling of the original video game.

The main characters - Brandon and Harry, they are childhood friends, both orphans and grew up in an orphanage and solve problems together. The primary game turns around a previous hit man named "Brandon Heat," who had been betrayed and murdered by his former best friend, Harry MacDowel, about fifteen years ago. However, Brandon's body was brought back to "life" through the Necrolization Project—an advanced technology that can reanimate the dead. Brandon was reborn as "Beyond the Grave," a techno-engineered gun slinging revenant.
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