I know this is just an expression that is different, not the subject itself, but when you say Japanese cartoon, which sounds less animated in the sense that I have to apologize if this offends anyone. Conversely, if you say the Japanese animation, which could mean, that is created in a rich form of art. Perhaps this is not the impression that most Americans or Europeans are getting into Japanimation Cartoons.

By the definitions, the difference between anime and cartoons are as follows. The anime, which comes from the animation, all animation states that oppose Japanese cartoon comics topical satire.
Therefore, there are still cartoons out there that also Japanese anime, and I guess we call Japanese anime cartoons. So that should not even be any difference in the case, but that's just a definition. The real feeling for the words in the terminology is slightly different from the Japanese perspective.
Anime and cartoons are two separate things. I know this sounds a bit strange to some people who are not accustomed to cultural differences. However, this small difference could make a big difference in the big picture.

The Japanese anime Inuyasha or Bleach as are the cartoons sparked great animation. This is due to the fact that not only are good and fun to read comics, but sometimes, the Japanese culture may represent a greater degree and may be an animation after all.